We are grateful for the relationships we have had so far and for the doors that have opened to us. We see that our work with these people serves to directly alleviate the need. And though we are a small participant in this struggle, we feel greatly blessed to share in this work.
We want to continue to maintain these open doors and the contacts to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. That is why we have pledged our continued support. Of course this will depend on the resources that are available to us. We ask you again today in the name of our suffering brothers and sisters in this troubled country.
We will set a date for the next trip shortly - as soon as we see that there are enough funds. We are aiming for an amount of approx. 10,000.00 euros. Please note that we cannot accept any relief supplies during the Easter week until April 25th, 2022. Our storage facility will not be open again until this date.
Clothes and blankets are preferred. We also have to buy any medical supplies for treatment of wounds in Germany. We don't need groceries or canned goods because we can buy groceries directly in Ukraine for less and without transport costs. We are asking you to donate money here so that we can shop locally. Prices for basic groceries are cheaper locally, and prices for other supplies are mostly very similar to our prices in Germany.
Donation account:: Life-project e.V. VR-Bank AA IBAN: DE40614901500024414000
Thank you for your prayers, gifts and donations!
After April 25th we will publish our current donation status here again.
All glory to HIM!