2-06-06 / Gert Pohl

Financial report of the relief trip to Kiev from May 5 to May 11, 2022

Accounting mode: This time we paid for the additional purchases in Germany in cash, or processed them through the cash box. Some amounts, such as the tourniquets, were paid for with Paypal but were still processed through the cash box. We processed this internally. Only at the end, when we ran out of cash at the last gas station, did we pay by card. This has not yet been accounted for. That is why there is a minus amount at the end of the report. This minus amount will be covered and included on our next report.

How the funds were disbursed:

Concerning support for the village residents in Chebutintze (entry no. 33), most of these nearly €900.00 will not go directly to the war zone. These funds primarily benefit very needy residents in this village. We made sure that the money is in fact used for this purpose. We visited, for example, a family that lives in extreme poverty, and yet they still took in an orphaned baby from the war zone. These were exceptional situations where we felt free to make a decision as to how the funds were disbursed. We trust that this was in accord with your intentions.

The two items, no. 34 and 35 (total €770.00) also include the fuel costs for the 990 kilometer drive to Kyiv with the rental car. We had to take our van to the workshop (repair was paid for by the owner of the van) and then drive to Kyiv in the rented Mercetes Vito.

If you have any questions or need to see the receipts, you can contact me: Gert Pohl 0049 172 7300577

As a Life-project team, we thank our great God for His care and protection and all of you for your great support. The funds were disbursed with utmost care and we strongly believe that we can continue to spread God's word and His love in this way.

All glory be to the LORD!
